
Advertising is available in our souvenir program book.

Ad Sizes & Rates:

Ad Size Vert/Horiz Width Height Pro Rate Fan Rate
Full page Vertical 7.5″ 10.0″ $375 $165
1/2 page Horizontal 7.5″ 5.0″ $220 $100
1/2 page Vertical 3.75″ 10.0″ $220 $100
1/4 page Vertical 3.75″ 5.0″ $125 $60

Special ad placement opportunities(check availability first with us):

Center Spread (16.0″ wide x 10.0″ high) @ $825 (pro) $410 (fan)

Fan Ad Exchanges

Fan organizations/publications wishing to trade ads (like-kind exchange) must request to do so in writing using the email link below prior to the reservation deadline.


Reservation deadline: 9/26/2025
Ad copy deadline: 10/10/2025

Reservations, Payment & Copy Delivery:

  • Reservation: via email to (Please include size & shape of ad.)
  • Payment: via PayPal in US currency to (Please add a note that this is payment for a Philcon
  • 2025 program book ad & specify both your organization and the size/shape of the ad.)
  • Delivery: Send camera-ready ad by email to

Technical Specs

  • Book page size is 8.5” x 11” with a 1/2 inch margin all sides. NO BLEEDS.
  • Format: Submit ad as PDF or JPG. For any other format, please contact us first to check feasibility.
  • Embed all fonts used in the file.
  • Images should be at least 300 ppi at 100% of their printed size.
  • All ads (including center spread) will be black & white/grayscale (no rich blacks or RGB elements).


Please email any questions using the button below.


Philcon® and PSFS reserve the right to reject any ad for any reason and will refund your payment if we do so.