Writers’ Workshop

Each year, Philcon sponsors a Writers’ Workshop for aspiring science fiction and/or fantasy writers who want to have their work critiqued by professional authors and editors in the field.  Participants will need to provide copies of the work in advance of the convention, so that the reviewers will have time to read the work and be ready to provide criticism during the workshop.  Anyone who is a member of the convention may participate. We will accept stories (or novel chapters) up to 6,000 words.

An electronic copy of the story should be sent  (in Word or RTF) to darrell.schweitzer@philcon.org. Alternately, five (5) paper copies should be sent to Darrell Schweitzer at 6644 Rutland St., Philadelphia PA 19149-2128.

The workshop will be (as always) 10AM-Noon Saturday. Deadline for submissions is receipt by Thursday, November 13, 2025.

For more information, please contact Darrell Schweitzer at darrell.schweitzer@philcon.org.